RC18 @ CFP

Call For Papers

Call For Papers Details

WHAT: ROOTCON 18 Call For Papers
WHEN: September 25, 26 & 27, 2024
WHERE: Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay
DEADLINE: July 10, 2024

Primary Topics of Interest

- Technology Surveillance Research
- Privacy
- Automotive Hacking
- ICS and IOT Hacking
- New tool release
- Real-life hack (responsible disclosure required)
- Non-tech hacking
- New Exploit Releases
- NFC, GPS, HAM Radio, Satellite, RFID and Bluetooth Security

Secondary Topics of Interest

- Reverse Engineering
- Web Application Attacks
- Wireless Attacks (3G, 4G, 802.11(x))
- Cloud Security
- Vulnerability Discovery
- OS Level Vulnerabilities
- Physical Security (Lock picking – Digital Locks or Digital Safes)
- Vendor Appliance Vulnerabilities
- Exploitation Techniques
- Mobile and Smartphone Security
- Malware Analysis
- SS7/GSM/VoIP Security

Terms Of Speaker Engagement

1. I understand that the presentation will done by the primary and co-speaker.
2. I understand that ROOTCON will be providing all equipments as sited in the presentation information.
3. I understand that ROOTCON will not be held responsible for all other expenses not sited in the presentation information.
4. I understand that ROOTCON will not disclose speaker personal and contact information unless otherwise stated.
5. I understand that primary and co-speaker needs to provide disclaimer and or full-disclosure notice should his/her presentation contains explicit hacking exposure.
6. I understand that my CFP submission will be selected according to uniqueness of topic and relation to the theme.
7. In the event the primary and co-speaker wishes to change his/her topic it must be communicated to the CFP team by sending an email to cfp /at/ rootcon dot org one (1) month prior to the conference.
8. Speakers are advised to check-in at the venue at least one (1) day before the conference proper and or one (1) day before his/her scheduled presentation.
9. Under any circumstances the speaker wishes to back-out he/she should inform the CFP team at least one (1) month prior to the conference.
10. If you are selected your final presentation should be sent to cfp /at/ rootcon dot org one (1) month prior to the conference.

Remuneration Agreement

1. The ROOTCON Speaker Badge, entitles you to the following:
a. Conference Swags
b. Meals, snacks and drinks provided at the plenary.
c. Speaker Token (subject to change without prior notice)
d. Access to ROOTCON Post-con party and other invite only parties.
e. Certificate of Speaking Engagement. (By request)

2. Airfare (N/A)
ROOTCON does not offer airfare for both domestic and international speakers. We only offer airport transfer from Manila International Airport to the conference venue and vice versa.

3. Accommodation
For both domestic and international speakers only the primary speaker gets TWO nights accommodation, room sharing with co-speaker is allowed.

Copyright Use

The presentation and or research presented here at ROOTCON is of your own work, and or if copied permission has been obtained from the original author. Permission is hereby given to ROOTCON Communications to publish my presentation which includes but not limited to the ROOTCON website, AVP, hand-outs, DVDs and or other media storage devices.

Submit Paper To submit your paper please visit this link.